02 August 2008

It's a real thing!

Look! I finally found the time to set this thing up! For those of you who I've been stalking, and really, it's all of you, I've been jealous of your blogs, but never thought I had the time to set one up. Then it occured to me "If you didn't check on everyone for half an hour, you could totally have your own!" Bingo-bango, here I am, an official blogger! :)



YAY!! Welcome to the blogging world!! :)

CAMP was AWESOME!!! One of my best years yet. The girls were great. Our campsite was great. And... we got 2nd in Jamboree and won (well, tied) Heritage Mountain! So exciting. I'll post a full blog soon...

E and J said...

Whooo Hoooo! I'm so glad you've started this! And looking at your profile you've already had 10 hits! And you thought no one would read it. Now comes the really hard part...Posting regularly!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Join the addiction :0). I love your header picture! Who took your wedding photo's?

E and J said...

So I'm so S.M.R.T! YOu just had to click the view my profile button on your own page. LOL

Blair and Leslie said...

I am excited you started a blog, now I can find out what is going on with you without having to wait for a time that I see your mom.

Kimi said...

Glad to see you have joined the blogging world! If you want to check out my blog you will need to email me at kimisabin@gmail.com then I will add you to my list. Anyways, it is good to see that you are doing so well and are so happy!
Kim (Neilson) Sabin