05 May 2009

Happy May Day!

So Thursday night (April 30th) we were sitting here on the couch when i get a text from my super fabulous best friend Trey. Our conversation goes something like this:

T: Are you still up? (it's 1130)
S: Yeah, why, what's up? (this late, it must be an emergency)
T: I'm over by your house
S: ok....
T: As in, I'm in your driveway

So I run outside, and there she is, with a handful of paper flowers that she had made with her super cute 2 (almost 3!) year old, Stella. It was a May Day Surprise!!! She had intended on leaving them in our planters and letting us find them in the morning, but then she saw our light on and didn't want Sean to hear her and think she was a burglar (and shoot her!) :)

Here's a glimpse of her handiwork!

Thanks Trey, you're the best!!!



That's so cute!! What a great friend!

(And I'm glad she didn't startle Sean!)

Chad and Jessica said...

What a surprise! How awesome! The perfect way to start off the new month : )

Hey, what is your address? Could you email it to me? My email is, thegreatbambino007@yahoo.com

Yeah, I know....uber dorky....it's old, and I don't want to go through the hassle of changing it...tehe

E and J said...

Super cute! What a good idea!