13 April 2009

Updates and changes...

So I know it's been FOREVER since I've posted anything about running, and that's cause lots, and yet not a lot, has been happening. As we all know, training got interrupted for a while thanks to sickness and such... well, the cruise definitely didn't help that. I was able to get one good long run in before we left, and planned on running while on the boat. Well, sea sickness, a tiny gym with 3 treadmills for 1600 people, and a flooded running track (yep, flooded. storms are awesome) all combined to make for lousy running conditions. In fact, no running occurred while aboard "The Awkward Ship," which did not make me a happy Stephi.

SO. Fast forward to a week or so ago, April 4th. My first time back with the running group in 6 weeks, an anticipated run of 9 miles, and the hopes of running the full still in my head. I got there early to check in with my coach Jill, and we talked about how I still wanted to go a few more weeks before deciding that the full was the way to go, or dropping down to the half. Last year, you had until the day before the race to make up your mind, so I knew that I had a while. Off on my run I went, and it was grand. Great weather, good pace, strong legs, I was feeling great. I got to the 2 mile check in point, and Jill says to me "Um, so I just learned something." She had been talking to our other coach about me waiting a few more weeks to decide if I was going to stay with the full or drop down, and she let Jill know that the Marathon committee had decided that the deadline for people switching races was April 10th. Um, wait one second. That was FRIDAY. A full week before my endurance testing, goal crystalizing, ability confirming 22 mile run. How was I going to make an informed decision? I was devastated. I knew (know) that I have the ability to finish a full marathon, but after the gap in training, was I going to finish in a way I was proud of? Can you be proud of a marathon if you walk a large part of it because your body isn't ready? Would I be proud of my finish if I barely made it? My stubbornness would take me across the finish line, I knew that, but would my heart be in it?

With those questions and the sudden loss of a weekof confidence building running weighting on my mind I quickly lost all the awesomeness my run had possessed. I just wanted to go home and cry. I did cry a bit on those trails, not sure what to do. I walked another mile, gave up on the run completely, and turned around, resigned to running the half and being heartbroken about it.

I got back to where Jill was waiting, and she was surprised to see me so quickly. I told her my decision, and she thought it was the right thing to do. She knew how hard it was for me, and she knew I could have done it, but she wanted me to be proud of myself, and she knew I wouldn't be if my finish at the marathon was mediocre, or worse. Instead, she gave me a plan.

So ladies and gentleman, bloggy friends and family, here it is:

I am going to run the Eugene Half Marathon. I am going to run it well, because I will be more prepared, and am able to more easily train for a race of that length. I will enjoy my experience, instead of dreading it, because I know where I stand, I know what I can do, and I will easily be able to measure myself against my performance last year. And when all that is said and done, the race ran, the celebration celebrated, I will continue on, to this:

The Inaugural Rock 'N' Roll Marathon in Seattle, June 27th. I have registered, hotels are booked, I AM IN. We have made the Half Marathon simply a stepping stone on a path to still achieving my goal, albeit in a different setting, but it's a Full, it's the Rock N Roll, and I am excited! So keep an eye out for our newest graphic addition, as I update you on my progress, and finally become a marathoner!


Chad and Jessica said...

That sounds like the perfect idea! Plus, I think it would be WAAAAAYYYY more fun running a full in Seattle...with lots of new sights, than in Eugene, where everything is familiar and there isn't much newness to break the monotony. It will be like a sight-seeing tour at the perfect pace. : ) I'm so glad you decided on this....you have put in SOOO much work, and it's really going to pay off. Way to go!


You can do it!! I think your new marathon gameplan is solid. Good luck with all of your training - you inspire to go to the treadmills at the gym instead of walking right past them to the EFX/elliptical machines!

Cranky said...

All of my friends are trying to get me to do Seattle! I'm just not sure I can.

And yes, you can do it. And if you walk ANY or ALL of it, you still finished a marathon. Be proud. How many can even walk that far, huh?

Carina said...

p.s. I was a History/Russian and European Studies major, and we rock.