07 October 2008

Gotta be accountable...

It's my day off, and if I don't write down my to-do list, it'll never get done. I figure if it's on the internet, then I'll REALLY have to get it done, cause I won't want to admit I was crazy lazy all day... :)

Here's my grand day:

*Finish laundry
*Put away laundry (getting BOTH aspects done is very important!)
*Clean up living room
*Clean bathroom
*Exchange sweater
*Organize house paperwork
*Call about inspections
*Lunch with Gillette
*Go through magazines and comics, read or recycle
*Clean litter box
*Make dinner
* Send reminder message about dinner tomorrow night

We'll see how it goes!

7:47 pm update... well, the items in red are done... oops... and we bought dinner.... double oops...
when this debate is over, I'll get to work! Maybe.... :)

Wednesday morning update: Well, I didn't get all of it done. I'm not sure I got half of it done! But oh well, it was a good day off, and there's always tomorrow!



Yeah, have fun with that list!! Laundry is the worst for me. I'm really good about getting it done and especially getting Ethan's clothes hung-up or folded and put away. Not so much with the rest of it! Of course, it doesn't help that we can pretty much only fold laundry when he is asleep - otherwise we have a little 'helper' to undo everything for us! :)

Anonymous said...

I love how after the fact you came back and marked what you did in red. I should get started on my list and I tagged you by the way! :0)