15 October 2008


This is for Sara :)

Four things I love about my husband! (Just four?)

1. He leaves me love notes in the lunches he makes for me!
2. The cute look he gets on his face when he's really concentrating on something
3. His smile
4. He gives me almost daily foot rubs!
(5. and he's dang hot!)

Four movies I would watch more than once:

1. Thirteen Days
2. Elf
3. The Italian Job
4. The American President

Four TV shows I watch:

1. The Office
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Bones
4. Smallville

Four Places I've Been:

1. Boston
2. New York City
3. Washington DC
4. Wrigley Field, Chicago

Four Places I'd like to go:

1. Russia
2. Australia
3. Back to Boston
4. Back to New York

Four people who email me regularly:

1. My twin human, the lovely CJ Brunner (she's the one in the Bride tank top)
2. Pants
3. Lil T
4. Our realtor

Four things I would like to eat:

1. Popcorn!!
2. Tacos
3. Chocolate cake with berry filling
4. I'm gonna go eat chocolate pudding and strawberries, that's close enough!

Four things I look forward to next year:

1. Moving into, decorating, and living in our house! Yes, that's really it!!
2. Paying off all of our debt! Except aforementioned house....
3. Going to Boston!
4. Every day with Sean!

Four people I tag:
1. Erica
2. Jessica
3. Leslie
4. Mel

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