16 March 2009

Weeks 8-11

Have sucked. As we all know, I got completely knocked on my rear by the evil sickness trifecta: Bronchitis, Tonsillitis, and a sinus infection. My "run" for Week 8 turned into a 45 minute walk that mostly involved me trying to not be sick on the side of the road. I should have known then that something terrible was looming in my future, but alas, I tried to continue on. All that week I felt sick, but the doctor (and myself) only thought I had an ear infection. Still, they told me not to run as long as I had a fever, so I missed my 15 mile run for Week 9. Two days later I was back in the doctors office because I could barely talk, couldn't sleep, and was all around miserable. This time it was all business: bed rest, antibiotics, and NO RUNNING as long as I had a fever and cough (turns out being in the freezing cold all the time is bad for bronchitis). Therefore, the 10 miles for Week 10 DIDN'T happen. Last week I started feeling better, and actually got some training runs in during the week. The highlight came on Thursday, when I had had a terrible day at work and so I took to the trails of the Amazon Pathway and the South Eugene track. The blue sky, sun (SUN!!), and gentle breeze took over my grumpy spirit and I cranked up my iPod, lay down on a park bench, and rocked out to Journey, while mentally pretending I was in an 80s rock video a la Aerosmith... awesome day :) I was really looking forward to my 14-17 miles on Saturday (even though I was slated to run a 4 mile hill loop that is infamous around here. Eugenians: Spyglass. Enough said). However, due to having a full schedule Friday night after work, I never remembered to take my phone off of silent, and so when my alarm went of Saturday morning, I slept right through it. For HOURS. And there went Week 11......

I am feeling good again this week and hope to keep up my training schedule all week long. We leave on the cruise Saturday, so I'm hoping to get my long run in Friday morning and if I have time I'll post before I leave. Yay for getting to run again!



Glad you are feeling better and finally got some running in! I am so, so, so envious of your cruise. Have a blast and take lots of pictures!! :)

Cranky said...

Keep it up. It's only a little setback. You're taxing your immune system a bit so it's common for people to get sick. So glad you are feeling better. Take your vitamins!