26 September 2008

Killing some time....

I stole this from Emily... it's that kind of lazy night.....

8 T.V. Shows I love to watch:

1. The Office
2. Smallville
3. Supernatural
4. Heroes
5. Burn Notice
6. Law and Order SVU
7. Bones
8. Gilmore Girls

8 things that happened yesterday:

1. Worked
2. Looked at houses
3. Ate delicious ribs (thanks husband!) and mashed potatoes and watched Smallville and The Office with Mike and Theresa
4. Found a realtor
5. Uploaded wedding pics for mom
6. Snuggled with Loki
7. Browsed all of your awesome blogs
8. Talked to CJ a bunch!

8 favorite places to eat
1. Chili's, it's the place for business
2. Burrito Amigos
3. Red Lobster
4. TGIFridays
5. The Sub Shop
6. Olive Garden
7. Eugene City Brewery
8. El Toritos

8 things I am looking forward to:

1. Lunch and more time with Zora tomorrow!
2. Getting all of my laundry done!
3. Maybe buying a house!
4. Being able to ride my bike again to work!
5. Training again for the Eugene Marathon!
6. Paying off my debt!
7. Lunch with the girls in Salem in a few weeks!
8. Next week's Office!

8 things on my wish list:

1. A windfall. A big one.
2. A cute old house that's been updated :)
3. A Prius
4. Not having to work anymore
5. Learning to speak Russian
6. Being able to run a marathon in less than 5 hours
7. UO not making us live overseas
8. SNOW!!!!!!!

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