21 September 2008

So Happy Together.....

Weekends are my favorite, because I get to spend so much time with my wonderful husband. While thoroughly enjoying our time this weekend, we:

*watched the Duck game and Sean actually got into it
*had a dinner and movie date, El Toritos and Burn After Reading
*laughed and laughed and laughed when he said he wanted to buy Spamalot tickets, and I told him I purchased them 2 months ago, thanks for ruining ANOTHER surprise!! (He ALWAYS guesses!)
*woke up early and snuggled while watching Meet The Press (a long standing Sunday morning tradition)
*had a big delicious breakfast, complete with straw wrapper fights
*wandered around our neighborhood hoping to magically come across the perfect house to buy
*spent a significant amount of time purchasing things to make our raspberry sorbet an even healthier dessert (we'll be adding blueberries, walnuts, and some dark chocolate chips)
*engaged in a long and drawn out tickle fight (I was finally declared the winner using that time old tradition, Rock Paper Scissors)
*had a serious conversation about why it is not ok for me to scream at the top of my lungs because there is a spider on me, while he is driving. Oops. :)
*watched movies, took naps, and caught up on the DVR
*made our dinner menu, and TV watching schedule, for the week
*made tacos together
*generally loved and appreciated each other!

I am a very lucky girl :) Now it's time to try out that sorbet!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys sound just like Jeff and I before Ben. I miss that sometimes. I think we need a vacation a lone now. And I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I'm so jealous of your Spamalot tickets! Any way, have fun, take pictures and blog it so I can live it vicariously thru you!