17 September 2008

Total nerd...

So, thanks to reading everyone else's blogs, I FINALLY got into the Twilight books. "Into" is putting it lightly... it was more like "ADDICTED TO." I read all four books in a week. I adore them! This kinda makes me feel silly, especially when I couldn't find Eclipse in the book store, and Sean recommended I look in the "Young Adult" section. Yep, there they were. I'm a big kid. :)
But anyway, since reading the books I have been secretly coveting a "Team Jacob" t-shirt. But I could not in any way justify this. Until today :) We have a regional meeting for work tomorrow night, and we're all dressing up as rockers, so I was in Hot Topic today looking for rocker stuff, and I found it. My Team Jacob shirt. It's awesome, black with white letters, and big red slashes. With my leather jacket, it looks totally rocker. So now I have my COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED Team Jacob shirt. Hoorah!!


E and J said...

Twilight rocks! I totally did the same thing when Eclipse came out. I bought them all and read 3 in 4 days. Then I had to wait a YEAR for Breaking Dawn. You were smart to wait to be obsessed until you could get the whole story. I’m also very jealous of your Twilight paraphernalia.


I am not totally addicted... yet. I've only read the 1st book and yet New Moon is sitting on our bookshelf right now. I'm not ready to commit the time I know it will take to read them - I tend to ignore a messy kitchen, etc.

How was your trip??

Anonymous said...

Yay! Someone else who's Team Jacob! I can't wait to see the moving in November! My sister in laws and I are wearing our team jacob/edward shirts.