04 December 2008

Why my co-workers refuse to visit my snazzy new house....

So, we're haunted.

It's true. You may think "yeah right, that's crazy talk," but I tell you what. Things are happening.

I have decided that I'm gonna start documenting the "incidents," so that we can keep all of our events straight. Also so that you know what to tell the authorites if we ever go missing.

So far....

-On occasion, when I walk down our hallway, when I get to a certain spot near the bathroom door, I hear the door from the kitchen to the garage slam. That door is dead bolted. This has happened approx. 6 times.

-Sean was sitting on the couch one day, listening to music, and distinctly heard a voice say "Hey" but he was the only one home. He checked. With his handgun.

-Sean was in the shower and saw a shadow pass across the shower curtain, and then something tugged on the curtain. He called me at work to tell me we were officially haunted.

-That night, we were talking in the living room, and I saw someone walk behind my reflection in the window. Sean was standing in front of me, and was not in the reflection.

-I walked into our guest bedroom, and was overwhelmed by the smell of cigarette smoke. We don't smoke, and the room has never smelled like smoke, before or since, with the exception of that one time.

-Last week, I was getting ready for work, and Sean asked me if I was humming. Nope, I don't hum. But apparently someone who lives in our house does....

-The night before Thanksgiving, I painted our hallway and dining room (pictures to come!). I rinsed the paint roller in the bathroom sink and left it there to dry over night. The next morning we get up, make breakfast, walk past the bathroom many many times, no issues. 10 minutes later I go to take a shower, and the paint roller has been rolled up the side of the sink (leaving a distinct paint trail), there is no paint anywhere on the counter, but then the roller has gone across the bathroom floor and into our (hardwood) hallway. There is paint EVERYWHERE, and it was semi-dry. That was super awesome.

-Finally, last night. We are sitting in our living room, watching TV, when we both turn towards the Christmas tree because there is a black... cloud? Orb? floating towards, and then through, the middle of the tree. The ornaments were swaying, as though someone had bumped them, except it was only the ornaments in the spot the "cloud" went through. The rest of the ornaments were not moving at all.

So... here we are. Apparently we're sharing our home with someone else.... Awesome. They're not even paying rent.

Stay tuned for updates!


Sasha said...
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Sasha said...

Hi so I just came happened across your blog and I read this. That is insanity! I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a haunted house but only with nice ghosts. But still the same i just thought i'd say how absolutly crazy that is!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I hope your ghostly roommate is a kind one although it seems very mischievous. I know it would scare the living daylights out of me though.

How are you going to remove the paint?

Chad and Jessica said...

Whoa nelly! That's crazy! I believe it, but it's still just...wild! That black cloud, and the humming and the reflection....yikes! We had a haunted apartment here about a year ago...it was crazy ( I would have disbelieved, but they couldn't know the things they did w/o some type of haunting going on)...I was just about to transfer the residents that lived there to another apartment, but they said "he must have passed to the other side," so they stayed in the apartment, and nothing has happened since. Let's hope your "ghost" "crosses over" soon. : )

Your coworkers are sissies! I'm sure they're nice and all, but I think it would be cool to go over to your place and see what mysterious things happen. PS, I'm not trying to invite myself.

Nells said...

WOW- that is interesting!! do you ever watch that show about stories of hauntings? J watches it sometimes- I don't know what else to say...... WOW!

E and J said...

I must be a sissie becuase I wouldn't come within a mile of your house. I am a WHIMP when it comes to ghosts. They freak me out and I freak my self out about them. I would seriously be calling my agent and moving out right away. You are so brave! I like Jess hope your ghost "moves on" soon!

Laura Fuller said...

I came across your blog through Cjane. Ok that is really freaky. Its great you are handling it with humor. I remember Cjane having a post about their live=in's too. Look it up..apparently they smoked too!


Ok, stop! That is SERIOUSLY freaky!! Whoa. And so many different examples. I'm glad you have found humor with the situation.
And unlike Jessica, I would totally invite myself over. I know (my) Sean would LOVE to see something like that happen. He's totally in to that kind of stuff! We'll have to play Ticket to Ride at your house. So long as the ghosties aren't in to locking doors and trapping people inside! :)

Christine said...

HOLY MOLY! Thats scary! But for some reason...I want to come to your house now! lol
Hopefully...this ghost is just playing a few "friendly" games...and is really a "Nice" ghost! lol
well best of luck!

JOdom said...

HOLY MOLINO'S!!!!! That is INSANE!!! YOu're a braver gal than I. Maybe it will scare the spiders away...either way...it's ALL WRONG!!!
Have you done any research into who used to live there or any reasoning as to where this apparition came from? Spoke with the previos tenants? Did you at least get a REALLY GOOD DEAL on the house? Sheesh!!!
You're a rock star! Course, you already know that!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crow. Are you serious!? I believe you but that's so crazy! So are you guys scared of it or do you think it's a friendly ghost? I wonder if you can contact the sellers or real estate agent to see why they sold it?
You guys should have a ghost party at your house or Halloween party, that would be freakin' awesome. Maybe you could annoy the ghost by exploiting it so much it would just leave. :0) Maybe.