05 December 2008

A tour of the casa (a.k.a. For Grace)

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our home!

When you walk into the door, this is what you will see:

Turn to your right, and you enter the living room:

The view from the couch:

We have a million books...

Now, continue past the fireplace....

Turn right from the hallway, and enter the guest bedroom (currently a work in progress!):

This room is also known as "the room that holds Stephanie's wardrobe." This is my closet for all of my shoes (husband is building me shelves!), the one next to it holds the clothes!

Leave this room, continue down the hall, and on the left you shall find:

The Really Old Retro Bathroom!

I promise, we have removed the plaid... but the counters are purple and the floors are blue. The walls are peach. It's LOVELY! Look for updates next summer!

Continue down the hall, and to the right you will find our bedroom:

We have a giant bedroom set, and it takes up pretty much the whole room! But it's still nice... note Sean's Batman Easter Basket. It holds spare change when it's on hiatus from it's springtime duty :)

Now, head back down the hall towards the living room, and on your left you will find the dining room (of Thanksgiving fame):

That leads the way into our small, but fantastic kitchen:

This was before we put our stuff away... it's cuter now :)

And now, to the back yard!

The patio and shed (aka future home of my hot tub):

The planter boxes where I will learn to garden:

And our (rather blurry) apple tree:

And THAT, friends, is our house!

Disclaimer: We also have an office, but it's full of half empty boxes, and no one wants to put pictures of their messy house on their blog. So you'll have to check it out on your next visit :)


Nells said...

it is beautiful......congrats! i love the wood floors! can i be next in line for some shelves :)


Nice house! It was great to finally see some pictures! Though I'm a little concerned about this ghost of yours...

Anonymous said...

I love it! And you have a fire place just in time for Santa Claus!!! Congrats!

Chad and Jessica said...

I LOVE IT! I love the exposed brick in the front room and how it is part of the living room and the kitchen...and I love all your pretty books!
The wood floors looks really nice, and the backyard is to die for. It's awesome those grow boxes are all ready to go....I bet you'll love growing things....gol, how I want a fresh, vine-ripe summer tomato RIGHT NOW!
I also love how you have room for your hot tub : )
And....the bathroom is not bad at all....those are VERY SUBTLE purples, blues, and peaches....it all looked pretty neutral actually.
Congrats again!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am totally impressed with your casa. It is so lovely! I love it.