19 November 2008

Theft for the sake of advancing one's self....

Thanks to my habit of stalking blogs of people I have not talked to in forever (and people I've never met), I have found some lovely direction in my life. Thanks to Amanda Hornibrook, whom I have met and love tons, even if we haven't talked in 7 years, for "shamelessly copying" the List Idea from Andrea, whom I have never met, so that it may also inspire me.

Andrea is a super fantastic photographer/mother/person who lives in Portland, and every year on her birthday she writes a list of things she hopes to accomplish before her next birthday. Big things, little things, fun things, all of those little things you always mean to do and never get around to because life gets in the way. I've decided I don't want life to get away anymore. CJ and I always talk about how hectic things are, how we never have time for the fun little things in life, and I don't want to look back in a year and think "Wow, I wish I had made it to the beach once this year." How can I be so busy that I can't make that happen ONCE in 365 days??? It doesn't make sense to me, and I don't want my life to be that hectic.

So I am composing my own list. I love the list, it makes me happy, it gives me purpose, and it's somewhere to be accountable to myself for the things I want to do. I've never been one for goals, and I've realized that's because I have always been too busy to try and achieve them! But I'm not going to be too busy for myself anymore! Stay tuned for THE LIST, it's sure to be exciting!

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