02 November 2008

Allies, Axes, and a Gargoyle Cat

Saturday night, Sean and I decided to take advantage of our plan-less evening and break out our favorite board game: Axis and Allies. For those of you who haven't had the chance to engage in this fantastic endeavor (or those of you who aren't crazy history buffs like us) it's a lot like Risk, only you play on a world map during WWII and compete for total world domination. Because there are two of us, we divide it up between the Axis (Husband, who stands at the helm of Nazi Germany and The Empire of Japan) and Allies ( yours truly, the fearless leader of the US, Britain, and the USSR!). When set up, our battle looks like this:

We played till 1 am, and sadly, the Germans were the winner. :( None the less, I LOVE THIS GAME!

I also love this cat:

That was her contribution to the game, other than trying to eat some British soliders stationed in Australia. She cracks me up. While we were setting up, she decided she needed to get on top of the closet in our living room and survey everything:

It was hysterical! She sat right at the corner, turning her head as we moved around... she completely reminds me of a gargoyle!

What a crazy Loki! :)


Mel D said...

Haha. Cute cat!
I tried playing Risk...once...
For the most part I'm more of a 15 minute game person. It didn't really fit into that category. ;)


Your cat is hilarious - definitely a gargoyle-esque position on the closet! Too funny!
I don't know if I could handle your game - sounds fun but you know that history buff I am not. But... you guys should come over and play Ticket to Ride with us! Sean's brother LOVES board games and has a large collection of lesser-known but very fun games. He got us Ticket to Ride last year for Christmas and we love it!

Hope everything went well with signing the papers for your house - can't wait to see more pictures of it!