21 November 2008

Twilight, aka The Shiny Vampire Movie

Ok, Twilight...

I asked Sean to go with me, because he teases me mercilessly about my young adult "shiny vampire" books. :) I told him I would be more open to criticism once he had a knowledge base, so he was a trooper and went.

All in all, it wasn't a bad movie. Glowing review, right? But that's how I felt about the book when I read it. Not bad, not amazing, just not bad. I didn't really get what all the fuss was about. I firmly believe all the excellent stuff is to come, and I LOVE the series now.

I appreciate that the movie stayed so true to the book, though it seemed to have a really brisk pace and I felt like a lot of the backstory was left undeveloped. But the acting was great, the casting was RIGHT ON, and I love Edward a little more now. Still Team Jacob all the way, but Edward won me over.

I'm definitely excited for the next one, I think it will be a lot easier to be excited as the plot thickens! And even though he was trying to hide his hysterics half the time, even Sean didn't hate it. He was disappointed the "shiny" turned more into "sparkly" though...... :)

1 comment:


I'm with you on both the book and the movie. Not bad, but not amazing either. I'm reading Eclipse right now - excpet Sean has currently stolen it from me since he's been home sick the last few days. Anyway, I still can't get over the book. It's really not that great (good, though), but at the same time there's something there that just compels you to keep reading. Believe me, I have read much better books as far as storyline, characters, etc. go and yet Twilight has something different. It's weird.