04 January 2009

1 down, 17 to go

Yesterday was the first day of my marathon training group. It's held through the Eugene Running Company, and it may be just the thing to hold me accountable. Why, you ask?

-Theresa is doing it with me, and I can't make her get up at 7 on a Saturday, and then not show up
-A few of my lovely co-workers are also in it, and I don't want to come up with reasons on Monday about why I wasn't there
-I paid good money for it, and that'll make me feel bad...
-I have to do my daily training runs, so I don't look ridiculous on Saturdays with a group of 50+ marathoners....

That being said, it was brutal. It was as though I had never done a serious run before. Wake up late? Check. Didn't put your running clothes out the night before, so you can't find your pants in the dark? Check. Didn't wake up early enough to properly hydrate and eat something? Check. Think it won't be that cold out and wear short sleeves, then run a few miles in the falling snow? Check. Get lost on the relatively easily defined course? Check. Still ache and have trouble walking 33 hours after going only 5 miles? Check.

There are 17 weeks between me and the marathon... 26.2 miles.... still not sure that's gonna happen... the half will happen, I guarantee it. But 26.2? That's a lot....


Anonymous said...

I will be rooting for you :) Good Luck on your training!! I need to start back up on mine.....

The Lowarys said...

WOW- I think that you are brave to even think about trying that- way to go!!!! By the way, the picture at the top of you blog is SO good, you guys look GREAT!!!

Chad and Jessica said...

You can totally do run a marathon!!!! You can, can, can!!! Well, here is an idea if you need more time...maybe run a different marathon...when is that really cool women's one where they give you a Tiffany necklace at the end?....I think it's in CA. I always thought that a BIG PERK of marathon-ing was getting a totally unique and awesome view of a different city. Plus, marathon "trails" always take you past cool things in the city, cuz the city is trying to promote itself, get more people to visit or move there etc. I would totally be training for a marathon, but not so good with a bun in the oven. Go git 'em!

Chad and Jessica said...

Oh go figure, the coolest marathon is in San Fran with KILLER HILLS!!!! ARG!!! No wonder there is such a cool prize in the end....lol.
Yay, I'm so pumped for you to do the Eugene Marathon....yee-haw. There was this really cool documentary on the marathon that came out last year, or the year before. I saw it in the theater. It was awesome....'course, at the time I didn't know much about marathons, so it was all new to me, but it follows 7-10 people or training for the same marathon...the people range from Olympian elites, to first-timers. Sorry, I can't remember the name of it. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend.

Chad and Jessica said...

it's, "Spirit of the Marathon." You've probably seen it, but just in case. : )


Wow, three comments from Jessica! Pretty impressive!
Anyway, I applaud you for even beginning training for a marathon. I don't run... I swim. Or kickbox. Or weightlift. But I don't run.
Maybe some day...
Anyway, good luck with your training!!

PS: The word verification for this comment is "feast" - make sure you don't do this too much just before a long run!!

Cranky said...

You can do it. I've done 2 now (and I started running for the first time only 5 months before my first one). There is nothing like the feeling of finishing. Absolutely nothing in the world like it. :)

Oh and the Tiffany's one (that was my first). It's the Nike Women's and it's in October in San Fran.

Thanks for linking me.