20 January 2009

Hail to the Chief

On a larger, happier note than my previous post, today was an amazing day for me, and I hope, for our country. I took the day off so that Sean and I could celebrate the inauguration together at home. I made "Red White and Blue" french toast (with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream), and we cuddled up on the couch together and watched the swearing in of the man we've so ardently supported throughout the last few years.

I know not everyone feels the same way, and I totally respect that. But I hope that this new administration brings change that everyone benefits from and gets behind. A younger administration, with goals that look to the future, to bettering our lives and our planet, with emphasis on being better people, and being better citizens. There are lots of things about our world that need to change, and I hope everyone sees that if we are all willing to do our part, great things will be achieved.

Here's to change, to hope, and to being responsible for the changes we wish to see in the world.

Happy Inauguration Day!


Manda said...

I am excited too!

Cranky said...

I was late to class! :)