02 January 2009

Opinions needed....

ok, so here's the deal...

we all know (and if you don't you should check this out) that I'm attempting to read our entire first bookcase by the end of August. This is difficult for multiple reasons:

a. we own a trillion books, at least 100 of which live in this bookcase
b. we keep buying more books, which I want to read RIGHT NOW, which makes me want to file them on the 1st bookcase, where there is no more room
c. some (many) of these books are Sean's, and while I salute my husband's taste in literature, I have absolutely NO desire to read large, fat, presumably technical, books about the military

so now I have a dilemma. It seems to me that the only way to get through this is to read every book, starting at the top of the case, and going down. That way I am forced to read every book, and when I can see a book I want a few books away, I'll have incentive to keep reading a more boring book.

sean thinks I should read the books that I want, in any order I want, so long as they come from that bookcase. That way I'll enjoy it, and he doesn't think I'll finish anyway (thanks for the support babe!) so at least I'll get to read what I want first. But I think if I do that I will put off reading all of his books that I don't want to, and will create a miserable end to that project for myself.

so bloggy friends, I need some help! I know many of you are avid readers, which do you think will work best? I just finished one of my new Christmas books, so I want to get started on the project soon. I may read the rest of my Christmas books (there are two more) before I start, so I have time to devise a plan.

anxiously awaiting your words of wisdom,

steph :)


Mel D said...

I just remember in high school having to read books that I didn't have any interest in reading and it would turn me off to reading for a while...which is something I LOVE! I think my goal would have been to read "x" amount of books by "time frame." Though in your case I might arrange it so there's at least a couple books I want to read then one I don't so that I don't look at the shelf and think "gee, the next ten books look lame." Okay, really I would give myself a pat on the back for reading ONE book my hubby likes and then the rest my choices =) We have very, very different book preferences.

E and J said...

I agree with Sean. Not that I don't think you could read the bookcase but I think you should read what you want to read. Maybe even read one from Sean’s collection and then one from yours. The stinky thing would be that you do read all of yours first and then are left with his. For me that would turn me off to the goal to read the bookcase. I could probably spend 3 months just reading what I own and haven't read yet.

I'm impressed that you want to read what he wants to read. But really it doesn't surprise me. You were always had diverse tastes. Good Luck!

Chad and Jessica said...

OOOOooooh, I have a serious stance on this one. Think of how many books are in the world....far more great ones than you'll ever have time for, right? Why waste your time on a book you don't, at least, like?! You should use your book reading time, to read books that inspire you, invigorate you, please you, perplex you, not ones that you feel obligated to get through. Now, I understand this isn't good advice for everyone, because many readers' tastes are singled to pop novels....ugh....but in your case, you have such a desire to learn, and explore new things, (and aren't afraid of complicated books) that your book choices will be highly varied.
Don't waste a minute of good reading time on something that leaves you cold! Like I said, there are too many good books to read, to have to read through ones you don't particularly care for. Oh dear, I think I'm more passionate about this, than some things that are way more important....lol. Ol' well.

Nells said...

my vote is to take turns, read one you're excited about, and then for the next one, maybe one that is questionable, that way you have something to look forward too on the way through one that may be trying, and if you want to be systematic about it, then do it shelf by shelf, until you complete the shelf....i think that's a pretty good compromise :)

kacy faulconer said...

Read the books you are excited about and if you get bored with a book and don't like it--don't finish it. It took me years to adopt this stance but I read more--and finish more--books now than ever before and I'm never bored.