I freak out. Hyperventilate. Cry. Worry. Any other thing you can think of that makes a rather intelligent girl look like someone coming apart at the seams, add it to the list. I'm the definition of it on an airplane.
Husband and I are hoping to take a cruise for our anniversary in March. This will involve us flying across the country. I understand this. I try and prepare myself, to be an adult, so that I can enjoy planning my trip. So I get online today, to check flight prices, and I literally start shaking and breathing crazy just looking at seating charts. This is RIDICULOUS!!! I know all about the statistics, how flying is safer than driving (I would drive ANYWHERE, regardless of how far, so that I didn't have to fly) and even safer than taking a bath, but really? I just can't reconcile it. I CONSTANTLY worry. In fact, when I went to google a picture for this post, the first few pictures were "pictures of airplanes with problems!" Thanks a lot! That's making me feel SO MUCH better!
In case you are wondering, I have flown before. Many times, and never with a serious incident, though I feel admitting that to the internet has now jinxed my flying future. I try not to let it interfere with my life (like never traveling because I won't get on a plane) but I just don't know what to do.... I'd really love to get over this.
Anyone have any helpful ideas to deal with flying fears??? Please gift me with your wisdom!
And on a closing, completely unrelated note, raccoons fighting each other make the CREEPIEST noises!!! My front yard is an awesome place to be right now.....
I would have never guessed that....well, it's pretty impressive that you've traveled so much regardless.....great job!!! This sounds weird, but I love when people have interesting fears....it makes me feel more normal when I freak out about weird things. I wonder where your fear stems from. Do you get sick? Are you worried you'll die? Do all the noises and sounds trigger it? Maybe it would help to try and pinpoint the primary source....'course you're probably saying....I HATE IT ALL!!! My only advice would be to find some type of serious distraction....singing along to your ipod while pretending to be a rock star, or something that overloads the senses so your brain doesn't have enough sources to really maximize the freak-out...like...a good movie, with good music, while chewing lots of different flavors of gum, while massaging Sean's hand, and putting some lavender oil under your nose...okay, so maybe my advice is silly, but if it were me, I'd aim for distraction, whatever works for you...or maybe you could try to make it as calming as possible. Get one of those pads that has lavender (or some other aromatherapy scent) in it....they have neck wraps, shoulder wraps, eye masks. Listen to calming music, have Sean massage YOUR hand, breath deep and pretend you're already on the beach you're going to visit. Oh geez, I've gotten carried away....GOOD LUCK!
Ok, I swear I posted a comment last night, but unless it didn't meet your approval, I'm on crack. If I did, no worries, don't post this. If not... it did have some cool info so let me know if you still want it :)
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