18 January 2009


While in Portland this weekend, Sean and I saw Movin Out at the Keller Auditorium. Not only did we enjoy a fantastic performance, but we crossed #7 off The List. Rock on Broadway Across America, rock on.

For those who are unfamiliar, Movin Out is a musical set in the 60s and based on the music of Billy Joel, whom we love! I was surprised to find that it was in fact a ballet. There was no dialogue between the performers at all, each scene was a song and it moved quickly from one to the next. The songs were performed by a "Piano Man" sitting in the catwalks above the stage, and his lively band. It was really well choreographed, and the dancers were wonderful, I was really impressed! Highly recommended to any Billy Joel fan!


Anonymous said...

I love the List you created! What a fantastic way to accomplish things. Mind if I use the idea for my 26th and on?


I [heart] Broadway Across America too!! We haven't done it just yet, but we're hoping to get some tickets for when Wicked is at Keller Auditorium in March. By far, one of THE best broadway shows I have ever seen!